Chainsaw Man

I'm going to divide this in 2 parts. Part 1 of the manga, and the on-going Part 2:

Chainsaw Man is a shounen manga, a genre I'm not very found of in my latest experiences with. But Chainsaw Man was different, the characters feel real and have real emotions, real struggles and real motivations, some complex and some simple, but they all feel genuine, everyone has a facade that they drop after getting to know them, every single character feels unique and even thou they follow a stereotype, they don't seem to. While reading the manga, I was thinking "Oh, this is that type of character", I was thinking "Oh, this is Denji", "This is Power", "This is Aki". And this touched my heart, the subtle reasons character are they way they are in seeing how their experiences slowly change how they are, and not for a brief moment or abruptly. A real change. A story about exploring emotions and personalities in the eyes of something that conventionally doesn't have. 9/10. (The ending of Part 1 bothers me a little bit, but since the story doesn't end here it is super acceptable and makes sense.)

Chainsaw Man Part 2

is taking a different approach: Would you still chase your dream after reaching a fulfilling life? The series distanciates itself from being an action filled manga and starts exploring the humanization of someone that in the series context, isn't. And the de-humanization of a group that was established to be very humanized. Is not a bad twist to the story and reading this over and over while writing this and still not satisfied with what I wrote. I don't think I can do justice to this aspect of the story. Part 2 is still on-going and is currently in a huge cliff hanger but is incredibly consistent with it's characters and ideas, even after they are long gone, since, Chainsaw Man is a story that is not afraid to kill, some actions may not seem apparent in the beginning but they make sense if you either think about it or continue reading the story.

So far 8/10.

"It's So Great Having An Addiction" - Himeno

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